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Tag: Lhasa Meditation Room

Balancing Body & Mind – Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga & Meditation with Matt Padwick

Balancing Body & Mind – Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga & Meditation with Matt Padwick

★ Due to the positive interest we are repeating this one-day workshop! ★

When: Saturday 25th of May, 2019, 10am – 4pm
Where: Lhasa Meditation Room, Killarney, Co. Kerry, V93W5P6

Based on traditional Tibetan healing practices, and suitable for all ages and fitness levels, Kum Nye’s movement and breathing exercises restore the body’s natural rhythms and calm the mind, making it a very effective gateway, and support to meditation practice.

In this one-day workshop we will combine simple movement and breathing exercises with the stillness of meditation to experience a way of being that is both deeply relaxing and fully energised.


“This effected me more than any other workshop I have done. I have never felt so in touch with myself.” – Alice, April 2019

“I loved learning something new – a skill I can bring in to my day-to-life.” – Corina, April 2019

About Matt Padwick
Matt has been practising Kum Nye and meditation at Dzogchen Beara Retreat Centre in West Cork since 1998. He has completed two years of closed retreat and was centre manager from 2003-2013. Matt currently manages the on-site cafe/ bookshop and teaches Kum Nye and meditation retreats at Dzogchen Beara.


Booking Information

When: Saturday 25th of May, 2019, 10am – 4pm
Where: Lhasa Meditation Room, Killarney, Co. Kerry, V93W5P6
Cost: €75 (includes Tea/Coffee & Light Lunch)

Buy Tickets Now


Bealtaine Blessings with Maree Kelleher

Bealtaine Blessings with Maree Kelleher

When: Saturday 4th of May, 2019, 10am – 1pm
Where: Lhasa Meditation Room, Killarney, Co. Kerry

You are invited to join us for a morning of joyful celebration and fun. Refreshments provided and bring lunch for sharing afterwards. In Maree’s own words:
“Bealtaine is a joyful and celebratory time of the year. It is the time for celebrating life, all life and the pleasures of being alive.”

About Maree Kelleher
Maree has been leading guided meditations and pilgrimages to The City at the base of the Pap Mountains for over 20 years in celebration of the Celtic Feast of Bealtaine.


Booking Information:

When: Saturday 4th of May, 2019, 10am – 1pm
Where: Lhasa Meditation Room, Killarney, Co. Kerry
Cost: €30

Click here to secure booking.



Reflecting on Living Wills

Reflecting on Living Wills

If you could no longer communicate your wishes around your health/ end of life care, would others know what you might want?

This one day workshop will offer you time and space to reflect on what matters to you in relation to planning your end-of-life care and composing your personal Advance Healthcare Directive* or Living Will. There will be time for reflection, meditation, listening and debate around this most important topic.

Advance Heathcare Directive* – since Dec 2015 an adult with capacity can make a legally binding statement, known as a living will, on how we would like to be cared for if we were to lose capacity and unable to make treatment decisions for ourselves.

Accreditation: NMBI Category 1 Approval Board CEUs 7

Katie O’Connell – facilitates NMBI accredited end-of-life-care (EOLC) and palliative care training modules across Ireland for nurses and allied health-care professionals. These trainings include an introduction to the principles and philosophy of EOLC and palliative care, spiritual care, mindfulness, loving kindness meditation, and guidance on developing resilience and compassion in healthcare. Katie also continues to update her clinical knowledge and skills working part-time as a Daffodil Nurse for the Irish Cancer Society, while continuing her research study on spiritual care in palliative care.

Professional Qualifications
RGN, CNS, H. Dip., MSc. Interdisciplinary Palliative Care, EOLC and Spiritual Care Educator.

Booking Information

When: Saturday 23rd of March, 2019, 10am – 4pm

Where: Lhasa Meditation Room, Tiernaboul, Killarney V93 W5P6

Cost: €70 (includes Tea/Coffee & Light Lunch)

For booking please click here:


Feedback from Mindful Meditation: Embracing Change in our Lives

Feedback from Mindful Meditation: Embracing Change in our Lives


I have received some excellent testimonials from attendees of the recent Embracing Change in our Lives course held here at Lhasa Meditation Room.  A huge thank you to all who attended and added greatly to the day.

“This was an extremely well co-ordinated day outlining the practical aspects of meditation. Two very gentle voices in extremely beneficial surroundings…mountains, greenery plus sunshine today. Food was excellent and in abundance.” – Helen

“It was a really beautiful day, very well delivered by both Katie and Susan. I really benefited from the meditation sessions and the discussions that followed and especially enjoyed the “loving-kindness” session. It was an excellent day.” – Bridget


“This was an excellent day and proof of mindful hosts. I found the reference to all the “little deaths” most helpful.” – Carmel

“Very well organised day and I found the loving-kindness practice the most beneficial.” – Margaret

“All of the sessions were excellent; I loved every bit of it. This was very well organised and am hoping to get more of these sessions in the near future. Susan and Katie are excellent facilitators. Well done.”

– Carole

“You are such generous and hospitable people Katie and Susan. You were so willing to share everything with us and it was so easy to fit in with all the events over the whole day. It was truly a well organised day and I loved every minute of it.” – Ena

Self-Care Training Day

Self-Care Training Day

From Inner Critic to Inner Kindness: An Introduction to Self-Compassion

with Christine Longaker

 When: May 12th , 2018, 9.30am – 5.30pm
Where: Lhasa Meditation Room, Killarney, Co. Kerry

Christine Longaker
Christine Longaker

How do we treat our self in difficult situations, when something goes wrong, or after making a mistake? Research shows that being self-critical results in a sense of isolation, tension, and suffering, whereas self-compassion builds confidence, ease, and genuine connection. We can learn to be a good friend to our self by acknowledging our imperfections with understanding, warmth, and kindness.

Christine Longaker, author of Facing Death and Finding Hope, and international Palliative Care trainer for 40 years, is writing a book and online course on self-compassion.

Price: 60 euros, including coffee, teas and light lunch. Registration 9.30am-5.30pm.

Click here to contact Katie to secure booking.

Spaces limited!

Lhasa Meditation Room

Lhasa Meditation Room

It has been an exciting few months here in Lhasa, as I have had an extension constructed to create my brand new Meditation/Education training space. It has been quite a journey pulling all the energy together for this room, so I am very excited to share some pictures of progress with you!

Watch this space for some upcoming scheduled trainings. 📖

Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers

The following interview was conducted by Shaun Doherty from Highland Radio, Donegal
prior to presenting a training/reflection day on Advanced Healthcare Directives and Living
Wills in a beautiful setting called Cuan Ri in Donegal.


What is an End of Life Care Trainer & Educator?

Since I was sixteen years old, and working as a care-assistant, I have been committed to understanding and alleviating suffering for all those experiencing ill health and for the dying and their families. I then went on to become a nurse, a trainer, a complimentary therapist and a spiritual care educator. I worked for many years as a Clinical Nurse Specialist with a Community Palliative Care Team delivering holistic palliative care to those with life-limiting illnesses, the dying and their families in Dublin. I also began providing End-of Life-Care (EOLC) trainings on the Principles, Philosophy and Practice of Palliative Care nationally. I am fully committed to raising awareness around EOLC issues including the need for the delivery of non-denominational Spiritual Care. My motivation for ongoing education is an aspiration to share one's knowledge, skills and attitudinal competencies in order to up-skill multi-skilled health care professionals and the public, through increasing their capacity to facilitate a good dying process for all.

It is relatively new to talk about living wills in Ireland?

It is. It is hot off the press at the moment because there is an assisted decision capacity bill only passed by the Oireachtas in 2015.Within this act then there is a new provision to legislate for advanced care directives & they are also called living wills, they actually mean the same thing. The really big thing here in Ireland with the passing of this bill because it replaces a victorian era looney regulation bill going back to the early 1870s, and actually at that stage we were referring to individuals with intellectual disabilities as idiots & lunatics and unsound mind. So finally we have replaced this outdated law now with this modern human rights compliant mental capacity legislation. It is exciting times.

Your passion Katie, comes from the fact that you have worked  in the area of Palliative Care. So you are working with people in their end of life journey. So what struck you as a problem for people in that particular journey of their life, when they told their diagnosis, prognosis was not good?

That’s a really good question, and I could bring a lot in, but actually one of the things that I would say more than anything is that people are not prepared. They’re not prepared, and even about outlining our wishes and preferences are, and what gives meaning to our life. We do not plan ahead, we are alway procrastinate. For us to even let anyone know for what we want relating to our health care. This isn’t only about end of life care, it’s about our health care wishes. It is the wrong time to do an end of life care directive in an A&E department. We are very hesitate in having these conversations & discussions & reflecting around these issues and speaking to our family around them.

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